Brodant la Revolta > Ni una víctima més (Not one victim more) 

VAL       EN       ES

March 2022


This fabric has been sewn by a group of women from Rótova, a town of 1300 inhabitants, located in the region of La Safor. Organized by the City Council of Ròtova on the occasion of the day against gender violence and within its Active Aging Plan, convened a group of women to participate in this activity. The chosen message makes direct reference to gender violence under the slogan "Not one more victim". The message was a play on the "stop" symbol of the highway code and the symbol of the woman. The fabric began to be embroidered at the municipal market, but due to weather conditions we moved to the municipal multipurpose space. 

This activity coincided in one of the rainiest periods in Valencian territory and the fabric was not exposed until a year later, in March 2023. Organized as a public event to open the week of women in March 2023, this event was a reunion and tribute to the women who had sewn it, who shared their experience with the public, accompanied by Isabel Perez, Councillor for Parenting, Training and Comprehensive Education, Inclusive Policies and Equality and Lluci Juan, who explained the concepts and origin of Brodant la Revolta.